Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ultima Online in the Land Of The Rising Sun II - Hokuto Christmas Market '08

So, I was lucky to stumble into a Christmas market. I have been to quite a few normal Japanese shard markets in the past but never to a special holiday one before! As always it amazes me how much the players participate in these markets. They are the ones who are gating to it, running shops, organizing games, doing a lot of the decoration and most importantly, being civil.


Anonymous said...

that's amazing! i LOVE the banyan tree all decorated with holiday items, and the little green christmas trees one of the vendors had made out of kasa's and beads and apples :)
thanks for posting, i always love scrolling through your screen shots!
~ nine dark moons

Regine "Sakkarah" Abel said...

Thanks for the screenies. That looked pretty cool. And I must shamelessly say, it gave me a couple deco ideas too!